Monday, January 28, 2008

I had nothing to say, so I thought I would talk about the power of nothing

The power of No-thing.

I love this life, mostly I love the concept. That's all it is, it doesn’t really exist, nothing that is. It’s about a conversation, getting to nothing in my thinking of what’s so. It’s an endless process, the moment I touch nothing, my life fills up with even more of something, the good part is it’s a new something, and my vast experience with change and new is that new is often a lot better. I am a bit addicted to change, I spent my childhood trying to fix the world with every bit of information I could find, but I discovered this was me trying to fix my childhood. I got complete with that, and now I realize there is nothing to fix. I learned this concept of getting to nothing in my conversation, in my belief and thinking of the past, my hopes for the future. I learned it so many times, but I didn't get it, even knowing that I think I get this nothing concept, I still have situations in life that test my belief in it. The more I am achieving nothing, the more life doesn’t allow me to stay there for long. You can't teach nothing to people, it counter intuitive, it doesn’t make sense, since cave times mankind needed to have something, since we lived in scarcity, we need to hoard our resources, but even at this time, nothing was the secret to life, but then survival didn’t need us to have any secrets, lizards have survived for a long time without this secret. We need the secret of nothing - (no past, no future, and no spoon) because we have words which allow us to choose how we are being in any given moment. This was a gift of evolution and a curse. It allows us to powerfully choose something new, and with a simple thought, change how we are being in a given moment, at the same time, the pattern survival brain fights us to keep things safe and the same.

I will never arrive; I will never end this path.

But my life is so powerful now! I quit my job, and got 10 offers making a lot more money! I sell my car, and get a better car for a lot less money! I give up my past beliefs about family and friends, and now they love me and all my relationship rock! I stop having fears about retirement, and my retirement starts to grow expedentially! I could keep going on....but I think you get the idea.

It’s not nothing, it’s no thing, or it’s no thought, or it’s no past beliefs, maybe it’s that there is no spoon, but that doesn’t describe it. What I learned is that we put our past into our future, this puts our past into our future in our present possible moment, so we are living our past in our future right now, and that doesn’t work. The past has very little to do with now, our consideration about life right now have little to do with what is, and our future isn’t here anyways. But maybe you enlighten folks can tell me how lost I really am in this nothing...

I didn’t have anything to say either so I wrote this nothing, I wasn’t even sure how to say nothing, and given what I said, it’s nothing really. But I hope you liked my nothing, I really needed to say it, to fully keep my brain from creating something out of this nothing. I appreciate a space of nothing to put together this nothing concept and mostly the sharing is so very powerful, I can't have the power of nothingness unless you all hear my nothing rant and keep me in the space of being nothing. I thank you for nothing, I love you for nothing everything, I hope nothing touches your life and gives you everything and anything from this clearing in the realm of infinite possibility brought about from nothing.

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